Thursday, November 15, 2007

Viva Hawaii!

I have finally reached the point of excitement. Frankly, I was getting a little worried. Being so busy has sadly robbed me of my ability to be anxious about my impending vacation to Hawaii.

However, my mom came up from the Valley yesterday and after a dinner of carmelized chicken wings, beef pho, salad rolls and ahi tuna she got me all revved up and happy. While we enjoyed ginger martini's and white guava margaritas, she pumped me up and reminded me that this is bascially my first vacation in over a year and I really need to use this time to decompress, take some "me" time and DO NOTHING. I loved it. (In a way it was comical, my mother, the Queen of Staying Busy, giving me advice on how to slow down, relax and rest. I'm pretty sure she's never done any of the forementioned 3 anytime in her life . . . ever. Yes, I'm serious. She's that driven and perhaps has a fear of slowing for reasons unknown.)

So after our gluttonous meal at Silk, what did we engage in? A walk around the Pearl of course! And were did we end up? At a sinful gelato shop, Via Delizia- duh! So we had to each invest in a couple of scoops ("I'll take the piccolo size," Ash Unabashed says sweetly, relishing the fact that although she ordered two scoops, the actual definition of "piccolo" in Italian is "small." Brilliant.) of their dreamy gelato. I ordered the Chocolate Peanut Butter and Panna Cotta and Momrey got the Hazelnut. Mmmmm. We sat in their darling shop and proceeded to chat more about the benefits of this vacation. By the last bite we had a new motto: VIVA HAWAII!

Presently I'm in vacation mode, but now (and doesn't this just frost your cupcakes!) I'm still two days away from actually leaving. But at least Momrey gave me a good kick in the you-know-what to jump-start my anticipation. Thank goodness for Momrey's! (Even when you soemtimes get annoyed because she was supposed to meet you for at your apt. at 4:30pm and she shows up at 4pm and calls you on your cell phone and tells you she's there, but you're standing at the bus stop trying to get home and then she says, "No worries," because she'll just let herself in because she knows the code . . . . and then once you do arrive 20 minutes later you find your dishes rearranged, laundry in the washing machine, garbage recepticals strategically moved to different locations, and coffee table magazines conveniently re-organized.)
Then again, THANK GOD FOR MOMREY'S! I do adore mine!

VIVA HAWAII! The countdown continues . . . .

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