Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Rhi's Birthday & Myspace Hackers

Last night I went out to Mingo at the Round in Beaverton for Rhi's birthday party. There were 11 of us and I had a fantastic time. I got to sit by Erica, which was just great by me, because she is fantastic. I ordered their Special of the Night, Braised Duck Ravioli's with Chantrelle Mushrooms in a Sage Olive Oil sauce. It was magnifico! Plus, a Limoncello Cosmo, a Ketel One martini, up, with 3 olives AND for dessert . . . a scrumptious Tiramisu. Mmmm, my mouth is watering again.

The only thing that sucked about the night was that it was so far out of Portland. I'm definitely a city girl, and Beaverton is no way, no how "the city." (I admit, I got lost trying to get back to the Pearl.)

When I got home I was going to paint my toenails, let my incredible meal digest and then go to bed, however, as I was checking my voicemails in the car on the way home I realized I had missed 6 calls. (That's normally a lot for a 2 hour time span on a Monday night.) They were all from friends who called to alert me that my Myspace account had been hacked into and someone was sending out comments that said, "Click Here for a FREE $50.00 Macy's Gift Card," and posting bulletins with the titles, "Biggest Clit" and "Penis Enlargement Pills." Lovely. So then I had to deal with that. At first, I was kinda scared. Only because I was frightened by the violation of all it. I toyed with the idea of deleting the whole account completely, but then read the security notices and just changed my account information and password. I decided I want to keep my account . . . and besides, how would I humor all my voyeuristic tendencies if I couldn't spy on all my friends and find out who-broke-up-who, who's engaged and who is about to get divorced!?!?!?!? Oh the drama . . . I would miss that!

Tonight Michelle is coming over for holiday treats, Peach Sparkltini's and great conversation. I'm hosting at my house instead of our usual "happy hour" around town. Yay! I've felt bereft of holiday cheer, but after the injection of Christmas music on repeat this morning at work and Nancee's Legendary Hot Crab Dip tonight . . . I'll be as Christmas-y as a little elf on the eve!

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