Friday, April 4, 2008

The Myth of Us

Reminder to self: Stop listening to Amy Winehouse lyrics while drinking abundant glasses of Willamette Valley Pinot, canonizing an ex-flame and hypothesizing all the reasons why it didn’t work out the way I wanted.

My writing workshop has compelled me:

My love has been alienated. And I know this; recognize my own heartbreak, but the force of him is too strong. Inexplicably, I return, again and again to him, although he offers me no affection or attention and basically says he wants nothing to do with me except his purr of “Ash.” And then every good intention of telling him to fuck off comes undone. I’ve come undone. All because I've been cursed by being in love with a man who does not, and will not, love me back.

1 comment:

Rhi said...

If you keep this up, we'll just have to start calling you Rhi :)