Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Un-Sexy Blog + 2008 Do-Boy List

Yesterday I told a friend about my blog. My friend was excited to read it. My friend called me back about ½ hour later and said, “Why isn’t there any sex, or more sex details? You allude to so many issues and then . . . don’t deliver!”

Wow. Harsh. And apparently my friend was under the impression the definition of a blog is: a safe place for one to broadcast their sexual fantasies, deviancies and desires. Sorry, that’s not how this blog gets down! (Certain members of my family read this blog.)

For the sex section--- there’s reasoning to it. Duh. It’s because I’m not having sex. (So just rub it in honey!) I’ve been meaning to divulge, but just haven’t had the energy or . . . more honestly, the juicy details to confess. To satiate your (dirty) minds here’s my “Do-Boy” list. And I’m well aware that this list is supposed to consist of purely celebrity “do-boy’s,” but there are many more real boys than celeb-boys that I’d like to do.

My Do Boy list:

Top 5 + reason he made the list
1. Reggie Bush- because is HOT!, HOT!, HOT! and I wish I looked like Kim Kardashian, minus the show-all sex tape.
2. Conan O’Brien- because his hair flip will forever be my mating call.
3. Barack Obama- because he engages his brain. That’s sexy. And . . . HELLOOOOO- he’s going to be THE President who molds this country into a tolerant, healthy, loving, respectful home! Who wouldn’t want to be a muse to that! (Sorry Michelle!)
4. John Stewart- because he called Tucker Carlson a dick. “You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show.” LOVE HIM.
5. A specific boy who lives on the opposite coast of me- because we’ve never done it, and I bet it would be fun.

If this post isn’t “sexy” enough for you, then you should probably head on over to Citygrrrl for much more explicit and x-rated fun. Tip! If you’re squeamish about “lady issues” skip post “A New Thing” and start at “Something So Simple.”


Rhi said...

I consider myself to be a bit of an expert on the Do Boy List - and I don't think you're allowed to have anyone you actually know on your list. So, you'll need to think of another one.

Ash Unabashed said...

There was only one boy I actually know on the list . . . #5.

But, what the hell, I'll "do" another one!

Citygrrrl said...

Hi Ash! I'm loving your blog. Sex or no sex, it's fun to read.

Thanks for the recommendation and your comments on my blog! If anyone knew who I was, there's no way I'd be posting the kind of stuff I do! Not even my closest friends know about it.

I discovered today that I had your URL wrong in my blogroll but it's all fixed now.

Hang in there! I'm looking forward to reading more about tarot boy. Anticipation is sweet...