Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where oh where has all the time gone?

Seems silly of me ask this rhetorical question when I'm pretty sure it hasn't gone anywhere. I just keep filling it up with more projects. And time-sucking people.

Looking at my schedule this week I realize I have to get my time under control. My Sunday began with waking up at 7am and not being able to go back to sleep because I was worried about all the things I needed to accomplish before Monday morning. I got up, unpacked more boxes and then - - - KABOOM! The weekend was off and running and it was Sunday night before I knew what hit me. Does this happen to other people. The whole, I'm-more-tired-on-Sunday-night-than-I-was-on-Friday-at-7pm?"

One good thing about this weekend: Frog Hollow Farm's yummy turnovers. They are nothing like the Pepperridge Farm sickeningly sweet, artificial pastries of yore. The Frog Hollow Farm turnovers are savory, with a crispy-crackly puff pastry wrap, filled with organic ingredients and herbs that produce something that tastes half-homemade and half-gourmet restaurant. They are delish! My personal favorites . . . Butternut Squash and Spinach Turnovers and the Mini-Risotto Tartlettes. Find them here: wwww.froghollow.com

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