Monday, January 14, 2008

Arms Proliferation + Peace Talks = Insane

Does anyone else find is disturbingly ironic that while Bush was on a Middle-East peace-talk blitz he negotiated an arms and weaponery deal with Saudi Arabian King Abdullah????

First of all, how can you be on a peace mission while you're selling guns and weapons of mass destruction? It's sick.

Secondly . . . isn't this what happened in South America and in Afghanistan? The US provided training and weaponry to these countries and then . . . . rebellion.

I don't understand why we keep training hate and intolerance. Shouldn't peace initiatives be about promoting goodwill throughout the world? Unfortunately they're about stockpiling bombs and harmful machinery that will end up killing us all. Wake up Evangelicals, Jesus would be appalled. I am too. And if you're not appalled, then you're in denial about what is happening to this country.

Earth: Love it while it lasts.

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