Sunday, January 13, 2008

Technical Difficulties

It's 2am and I just got home and I'm having a total tech mess. My computer is not working properly, I need to transfer my SIM card and all info. from my Sidekick to my new (ick) Blackberry (don't laugh, I'm not Josh--- I can't afford every item I covet.), and my front door code was totally not working tonight and I just stood outside looking like a drunk idiot with a cute boy because I couldn't get my door open.

Thank God I'm having brunch with Sarah and Rhi tomorrow morning, ummm . . . actually at this time, it's THIS morning.

. . . and now my son-of-a-bitch neighbor upstairs just turned on his dryer. Either that or him and his girlfriend have the loudest vibrator I have ever heard. SLEEP PEOPLE! Doesn't anyone, other than me, sleep at 2am anymore?!?!?!????? Jeesh.

1 comment:

Rhi said...

I'm going with loud vibrator :)

And, I am currently carrying TWO cell phones because I can't manage to transfer numbers to my Treo.

See you soon doll!