Monday, May 19, 2008

Jennsylvania here I come!

Tonight two funs things are happening to me this evening. I'm meeting Rhi for HH at Ten 01 in the Pearl, and then we're walking over to Powell's for a reading by author, Jen Lancaster, who's written Bright Lights, Big Ass and (my favorite!) Bitter Is the New Black. She is on a book tour for her new read, Such a Pretty Fat. I'm very excited. I'm not sure if I'm more excited to eat Ten 01's cheeseburger sliders and truffle fries, or to actually see Jen and listen to her read. I'm funny about readings. I'm a die-hard Wordstock fan, but I'm hinky about listening to authors read their own work. I know it's supposed to be a big deal to hear them read because you're truly hearing their character voice and how they envision the work to read in their head, but sometimes it's a real turnoff. Probably because I don't want to know how it comes across in their head, I want to make sense in mine. Still excited. Yay- I get to see an author. If it was Steve Almond I'd be going bullshit right now. Seriously. I want to marry that guy and have millions of his babies, all deep, instense and with a dark sense of humor.

I was gone at the beach from Friday to Monday morning. I had cell coverage for about 1 minute on Saturday ... and then nothing. It was actually nice to get away from being so connected.

What did you this weekend? I bet Woolly enjoyed his Canadian holiday! We have an American holiday this upcoming Monday, Memorial Day. It was established as a war veteran holiday, but I bet if you asked 5 highschoolers why we take this holiday they'd say it was to BBQ. That's what Memorial Day weekend is known for: BBQing. And it celebrates the begining of summer. I have no idea what remembering veterans and BBQing have in common, but I'll be in Bend listening to the music of Death Cab and The Decemberists. What will you be doing? BBQing?


Rhi said...

I'm working at Beran Vineyards on Saturday to help with the Memorial Day traffic (they pay in wine, LOVES IT).

I am going to marry The Decemberists. That's right. THE ENTIRE BAND.

Also, Memorial Day weekend is for tanning, everyone knows that.

Citygrrrl said...

My mom-in-law always took flowers to the cemetery and put them on her family's graves. For her it wasn't about veterans at all. I'm not sure where she got the tradition.

As for me, I'm all for honoring our vets with beer and burgers! I'll be rafting in southern Oregon but I bet there will be charcoal and meat-products somewhere along the way. It's only right.

As for you and your Death Cab/Decemberists weekend, I am so jealous! I hope the weather isn't too hot and that you have a great time!

Lucas said...

I've never heard an author read their own stuff. How weird.