Thursday, March 13, 2008

If I could I would . . .

If I could I would . . . learn how to fall in love. I would learn how to love and be loved without holding anything back - without the excuses, stops or inevitable falls from grace. There's a point where you recognize you're about to let yourself go--- and that's when I stop. I can't do it. Because I typically know the outcome and it usually ends badly.

You try it. What is one thing that you would do if you could? It could be an event from your past that you would do over, a time you know you would stay in the moment forever, or a new dream that you have. Run with the ideas and possibilities. Good luck!

Finish this sentence:

"If I could I would . . . "


Lucas said...

I would be an acrobat. I would have stayed with gymnastics as a child and had the guts to apply with Cirque du Soleil when I lived in Montreal.

Woolly said...

Go back in time before college and take a different route in life. Growing up I always wanted to be a mechanic but didn't cause I was told by my father that there is no money in it and you work long hours. Well I work long hours now and I still wish I was a mechanic. Does that sound strange?